
Photo of A Tiger Mother and Cub

Amy Chua’s “Tiger Mother” articles have combusted into a raging debate about east/west strategies.  So when I met a lovely young woman, Jennifer, from Shanghai, I was particularly interested in her story. Jennifer told me, “Two of us were picked from my grammar school to go to this elite middle school. But when we got […]

This is the first episode in a new video series: how to create positive change and resilience in students. In this clip: 18-year-old Anna doesn’t like school, science or textbooks. She wants to motivate herself to finish high school. One step you can take with someone who doesn’t like school is to identify ways s/he […]

In a Wellesley Townsman column, Jeanne Mayell alerted parents to the teen suicide risks of anti-depressants. She said, “…they found that after being on the drug for many months, significantly more people became suicidal on the antidepressant than on the placebo.” This naturally leads to the question: are there alternatives? The short answer is: yes. […]

My mother is American French-Irish and most definitely not a Chinese Tiger Mother, as Amy Chua describes herself. My mother played the piano beautifully (though not as well as Chua’s kids) for fun and relaxation every spare minute she could find in a day. Even though this was her first love, my mother did not […]